

Generates the pair list of atoms that are closer to each other than the given threshold under the periodic boundary conditions.



See pairlist.h for the function definition and pairlist-test.c for usage.

Python API is served in The API document is here.

To find the neighbors in a face-centered cubic lattice of size 10x10x10 on a MacBook Air 2021 (Apple Silicon),

$ python
INFO crude: Neighboring pair list by a crude double loop.
INFO crude: 18024 ms
INFO crude: end.
24000 pairs
INFO numpyish: Neighboring pair list by numpy fancy array.
INFO numpyish: 741 ms
INFO numpyish: end.
24000.0 pairs
INFO pairlist_py: Neighboring pair list by pairlist in pure python.
INFO pairlist_py: 125 ms
INFO pairlist_py: end.
24000 pairs
INFO pairlist_c: Neighboring pair list by pairlist in c.
INFO pairlist_c: end.
INFO pairlist_c: 16 ms
24000 pairs
import pairlist as pl
from fcc import FaceCenteredCubic
from logging import getLogger, basicConfig, INFO, DEBUG
from decorator import timeit, banner
import numpy as np
from pairlist import pairs_py, pairs2_py

basicConfig(level=INFO, format="%(levelname)s %(message)s")
logger = getLogger()
logger.debug("Debug mode.")

def crude(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
    "Neighboring pair list by a crude double loop."
    rc2 = rc**2
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(lattice)):
        for j in range(i):
            d = lattice[i] - lattice[j]
            d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
            d = d @ cell
            if d @ d < rc2:
                count += 1
    return count

def numpyish(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
    "Neighboring pair list by numpy fancy array."
    # cross-differences
    M = lattice[:, None, :] - lattice[None, :, :]
    # wrap
    M -= np.floor(M + 0.5)
    # in absolute coordinate
    M = M @ cell
    d = (M * M).sum(2)
    return d[(d < rc**2) & (0 < d)].shape[0] / 2

def pairlist_py(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
    "Neighboring pair list by pairlist in pure python."
    count = 0
    for i, j, d in pl.pairs_iter(
        lattice, maxdist=rc, cell=cell, _engine=(pairs_py, pairs2_py)
        count += 1
    return count

def pairlist_c(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
    "Neighboring pair list by pairlist in c."
    count = 0
    for i, j, d in pl.pairs_iter(lattice, maxdist=rc, cell=cell):
        count += 1
    return count

lattice, cell = FaceCenteredCubic(10)

print(crude(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(numpyish(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(pairlist_py(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(pairlist_c(lattice, cell), "pairs")



A simple cell division algorithm is implemented.


It requires GenIce to make the test data.

% make test


  • python
  • numpy


  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3# even: stable; odd: develop
  5.. include:: ./
  8import math
  9import itertools as it
 10import numpy as np
 11from logging import getLogger
 12from cpairlist import pairs, pairs2
 13from typing import Generator
 15__all__ = ["pairs_iter"]
 18def Address(pos, grid):
 19    # residents in each grid cell
 20    mol = pos % 1 % 1  # avoid cancellation
 21    return tuple((mol * grid).astype(int))
 24def ArrangeAddress(xyz, grid):
 25    # residents in each grid cell
 26    residents = dict()
 27    for i in range(len(xyz)):
 28        address = Address(xyz[i], grid)
 29        if address not in residents:
 30            residents[address] = set()
 31        residents[address].add(i)
 32    return residents
 35def pairs_py(xyz, GX, GY, GZ):
 36    grid = np.array([GX, GY, GZ])
 37    logger = getLogger()
 38    logger.debug("START Arrange")
 39    residents = ArrangeAddress(xyz, grid)
 40    logger.debug("END Arrange")
 42    # key-value pairs in the dictionary
 43    donecellpair = set()
 44    pairs = []
 45    for address in residents:
 46        members = residents[address]
 47        # neighbor cells
 48        npa = np.array(address)
 49        k = np.array([(npa + j + grid) % grid for j in range(-1, 2)])
 50        for a2 in it.product(k[:, 0], k[:, 1], k[:, 2]):
 51            if address == a2:
 52                if frozenset((address, a2)) not in donecellpair:
 53                    donecellpair.add(frozenset((address, a2)))
 54                    for a, b in it.combinations(members, 2):
 55                        pairs.append((a, b))
 56            else:
 57                if a2 in residents:
 58                    if frozenset((address, a2)) not in donecellpair:
 59                        donecellpair.add(frozenset((address, a2)))
 60                        for a in members:
 61                            for b in residents[a2]:
 62                                pairs.append((a, b))
 63    return np.array(pairs)
 66def pairs2_py(xyz, xyz2, GX, GY, GZ):
 67    grid = np.array([GX, GY, GZ])
 68    return _pairs_hetero(xyz, xyz2, grid)
 71def _pairs_hetero(xyz, xyz2, grid):
 72    logger = getLogger()
 73    logger.debug("START Arrange")
 74    residents = ArrangeAddress(xyz, grid)
 75    residents2 = ArrangeAddress(xyz2, grid)
 76    logger.debug("END Arrange")
 78    # key-value pairs in the dictionary
 79    donecellpair = set()
 80    pairs = []
 81    for address in residents:
 82        members = residents[address]
 83        ix, iy, iz = address
 84        # neighbor cells
 85        npa = np.array(address)
 86        k = np.array([(npa + j + grid) % grid for j in range(-1, 2)])
 87        for a2 in it.product(k[:, 0], k[:, 1], k[:, 2]):
 88            if a2 in residents2:
 89                if not ((address, a2) in donecellpair):
 90                    donecellpair.add((address, a2))
 91                    for a in members:
 92                        for b in residents2[a2]:
 93                            pairs.append((a, b))
 94    return np.array(pairs)
 97# assume xyz and box are numpy.array
 98def pairs_fine_slow(xyz, rc, cell, grid=None, distance=True):
 99    logger = getLogger()
100    if grid is None:
101        grid = determine_grid(cell, rc)
102    for i, j in pairs(xyz, *grid):
103        moli = xyz[i]
104        molj = xyz[j]
105        d = moli - molj
106        d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
107        d =, cell)
108        rr =, d)
109        if rr < rc**2:
110            if distance:
111                yield i, j, math.sqrt(rr)
112            else:
113                yield i, j
116def pairs_nopbc_iter(pos, maxdist=None, pos2=None, distance=False):
117    """
118    Iterator to find pairs in an open space.
119    """
120    # assert pos2 is None, "Pairs for hetero group without PBC is not implemented yet."
122    def assign_to_bins(atoms):
123        # occupants[x] is a list of atom labels in a bin x.
124        occupants = dict()
125        for i, pos in enumerate(atoms):
126            # from position to bin
127            ipos = tuple(np.floor(pos / maxdist).astype(int))
128            # insert the atom in the bin
129            if ipos not in occupants:
130                occupants[ipos] = []
131            occupants[ipos].append(i)
132        return occupants
134    def nearby(A, hetero=False):
135        """
136        Obtain the list of atoms near A.
138        A: Label of the target atom
139        """
140        # bin of A
141        p, q, r = np.floor(pos[A] / maxdist).astype(int)
143        # adjacent bins
144        for ix in range(p - 1, p + 2):
145            for iy in range(q - 1, q + 2):
146                for iz in range(r - 1, r + 2):
147                    if (ix, iy, iz) in occupants:
148                        # candidates for the neighbors
149                        for B in occupants[ix, iy, iz]:
150                            # avoid double counts.
151                            if hetero:
152                                # relative vector
153                                d = pos[A] - pos2[B]
154                                d2 = d @ d
155                                # if the distance is shorter than the threshold,
156                                if d2 < maxdist**2:
157                                    yield B, d2**0.5
158                            elif A < B:
159                                # relative vector
160                                d = pos[A] - pos[B]
161                                d2 = d @ d
162                                # if the distance is shorter than the threshold,
163                                if d2 < maxdist**2:
164                                    yield B, d2**0.5
166    if pos2 is None:
167        # homo pairs
168        occupants = assign_to_bins(pos)
169        for i in range(len(pos)):
170            for j, L in nearby(i):
171                if distance:
172                    yield i, j, L
173                else:
174                    yield i, j
176    else:
177        # hetero pairs
178        occupants = assign_to_bins(pos2)
179        for i in range(len(pos)):
180            for j, L in nearby(i, hetero=True):
181                if distance:
182                    yield i, j, L
183                else:
184                    yield i, j
187# wrapper
188def pairs_iter(
189    pos: np.ndarray,
190    maxdist: float = None,
191    cell: np.ndarray[3, 3] = None,
192    fractional: bool = True,
193    pos2: np.ndarray = None,
194    rc: float = None,
195    distance: bool = True,
196    _raw: bool = False,
197    _engine=(pairs, pairs2),
198) -> Generator[tuple, None, None]:
199    """Yields pairs within the specified distance.
201    Args:
202        pos (np.ndarray): Positions of the atoms. (in fractional or absolute coordinate)
203        maxdist (formerly rc) (float, optional): Upper limit of the pair distance (in the same unit as the cell). Defaults to None.
204        cell (np.ndarray[3, 3], optional): Shape of the cell in a 3x3 numpy array. [[ax,ay,az],[bx,by,bz],[cx,cy,cz]]. Defaults to None.
205        fractional (bool, optional): If true, pos must be given in fractional coordinate. Defaults to True.
206        pos2 (np.ndarray, optional): Specify when you want to find the pairs between two sets of positions. Defaults to None.
207        distance (bool, optional): If true, distance between two positions are also returned. Defaults to True.
209    Yields:
210        Generator[tuple, None, None]: indices of a pair | indices and the distance between the pair (distance=True)
211    """
212    logger = getLogger()
213    if rc is not None:
214        logger.warning("rc is deprecated. Use maxdist instead.")
215        assert maxdist is None, "rc and maxdist are specified at a time."
216        maxdist = rc
217    if cell is None:
218        return pairs_nopbc_iter(pos, maxdist=maxdist, pos2=pos2, distance=distance)
219    grid = None
220    if fractional:
221        rpos = pos
222        rpos2 = pos2
223    else:
224        celli = np.linalg.inv(cell)
225        rpos = pos @ celli
226        if pos2 is None:
227            rpos2 = None
228        else:
229            rpos2 = pos2 @ celli
231    if rpos2 is None:
232        return pairs_fine(
233            rpos,
234            maxdist,
235            cell,
236            grid=grid,
237            distance=distance,
238            raw=_raw,
239            engine=_engine[0],
240        )
241    else:
242        return pairs_fine_hetero(
243            rpos,
244            rpos2,
245            maxdist,
246            cell,
247            grid=grid,
248            distance=distance,
249            raw=_raw,
250            engine=_engine[1],
251        )
254# fully numpy style
255def pairs_fine(xyz, rc, cell, grid=None, distance=True, raw=False, engine=pairs):
256    logger = getLogger()
257    if grid is None:
258        grid = determine_grid(cell, rc)
259    p = engine(xyz, *grid)
260    idx0 = p[:, 0]
261    # for i in range(idx0.shape[0]):
262    #    if idx0[i] > 1000:
263    #        print(i,idx0[i])
264    idx1 = p[:, 1]
265    p0 = xyz[idx0]
266    p1 = xyz[idx1]
267    d = p0 - p1
268    d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
269    a =, cell)
270    L = np.linalg.norm(a, axis=1)
271    cond = L < rc
272    # pickup elements satisfying the condition.
273    j0 = np.compress(cond, idx0)
274    j1 = np.compress(cond, idx1)
275    if raw:
276        if not distance:
277            return j0, j1
278        else:
279            Ls = np.compress(cond, L)
280            return j0, j1, Ls  # no zipping
281    else:
282        if not distance:
283            return np.column_stack((j0, j1))
284        else:
285            Ls = np.compress(cond, L)
286            # return np.column_stack(j0, j1) all the values becomes float...
287            return zip(j0, j1, Ls)  # list of tuples
290def pairs_crude(xyz, rc, cell, distance=True):
291    logger = getLogger()
292    # logger.debug(xyz)
293    logger.debug(rc)
294    logger.debug(cell)
295    logger.debug(distance)
296    for i, j in it.combinations(range(len(xyz)), 2):
297        moli = xyz[i]
298        molj = xyz[j]
299        d = moli - molj
300        d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
301        r =, cell)
302        rr =, r)
304        if rr < rc**2:
305            # logger.debug((d,r,rr,rc**2))
306            if distance:
307                yield i, j, math.sqrt(rr)
308            else:
309                yield i, j
312# assume xyz and box are numpy.array
313def pairs_fine_hetero_slow(xyz, xyz2, rc, cell, grid=None, distance=True):
314    if grid is None:
315        grid = determine_grid(cell, rc)
316    for i, j in pairs2(xyz, xyz2, *grid):
317        moli = xyz[i]
318        molj = xyz2[j]
319        d = moli - molj
320        d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
321        d =, cell)
322        rr =, d)
324        if rr < rc**2:
325            if distance:
326                yield i, j, math.sqrt(rr)
327            else:
328                yield i, j
331def pairs_fine_hetero(
332    xyz, xyz2, rc, cell, grid=None, distance=True, raw=False, engine=pairs2
334    logger = getLogger()
335    if grid is None:
336        grid = determine_grid(cell, rc)
337    p = engine(xyz, xyz2, *grid)
338    idx0 = p[:, 0]
339    idx1 = p[:, 1]
340    p0 = xyz[idx0]
341    p1 = xyz2[idx1]
342    d = p0 - p1
343    d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
344    a =, cell)
345    L = np.linalg.norm(a, axis=1)
346    cond = L < rc
347    # pickup elements satisfying the condition.
348    j0 = np.compress(cond, idx0)
349    j1 = np.compress(cond, idx1)
350    if raw:
351        if not distance:
352            return j0, j1
353        else:
354            Ls = np.compress(cond, L)
355            return j0, j1, Ls  # no zipping
356    else:
357        if not distance:
358            return np.column_stack((j0, j1))
359        else:
360            Ls = np.compress(cond, L)
361            # return np.column_stack(j0, j1) all the values becomes float...
362            return zip(j0, j1, Ls)  # list of tuples
365# @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
366def determine_grid(cell, radius):
367    """
368    Determine grid division based on the cutoff radius.
369    """
370    logger = getLogger()
371    ct = cell  # .transpose()
372    # Cell vectors
373    a = ct[0]
374    b = ct[1]
375    c = ct[2]
376    logger.debug("cell a {0}".format(a))
377    logger.debug("cell b {0}".format(b))
378    logger.debug("cell c {0}".format(c))
379    # Edge lengths
380    al = np.linalg.norm(a)  # vector length
381    bl = np.linalg.norm(b)
382    cl = np.linalg.norm(c)
383    # Unit vectors of the axes.
384    ae = a / al  # unit vectors
385    be = b / bl
386    ce = c / cl
387    # Distance between the parallel faces
388    an =, np.cross(be, ce))  # distance to the bc plane
389    bn =, np.cross(ce, ae))
390    cn =, np.cross(ae, be))
391    # required number of grid cells
392    gf = np.array([an / radius, bn / radius, cn / radius])
393    if gf[0] < 1.0:
394        gf[0] = 1.0
395    if gf[1] < 1.0:
396        gf[1] = 1.0
397    if gf[2] < 1.0:
398        gf[2] = 1.0
399    # Check the lengths of four diagonals.
400    logger.debug("Grid divisions: {0}".format(np.floor(gf)))
401    # print(cell,radius,gf)
402    # import sys
403    # sys.exit(1)
404    return np.floor(gf).astype(int)
407def main():
408    xyz = []
409    for x in range(2):
410        for y in range(2):
411            for z in range(2):
412                xyz.append(
413                    np.array((x / 100.0 + 1, y / 100.0 + 1, z / 100.0 + 1)) / 4.0
414                )
415    xyz2 = []
416    for x in range(2):
417        for y in range(2):
418            for z in range(2):
419                xyz2.append(
420                    np.array((x / 100.0 + 2, y / 100.0 + 1, z / 100.0 + 1)) / 4.0
421                )
422    xyz = np.array(xyz)
423    xyz2 = np.array(xyz2)
424    box = np.diag((4, 4, 4))
425    rc = 1.000000001
426    for i, j, l in pairs_fine_hetero(xyz, xyz2, rc, box):
427        print(i, j, l)
430if __name__ == "__main__":
431    main()
def pairs_iter( pos: numpy.ndarray, maxdist: float = None, cell: numpy.ndarray[3, 3] = None, fractional: bool = True, pos2: numpy.ndarray = None, rc: float = None, distance: bool = True, _raw: bool = False, _engine=(<built-in function pairs>, <built-in function pairs2>)) -> Generator[tuple, NoneType, NoneType]:
189def pairs_iter(
190    pos: np.ndarray,
191    maxdist: float = None,
192    cell: np.ndarray[3, 3] = None,
193    fractional: bool = True,
194    pos2: np.ndarray = None,
195    rc: float = None,
196    distance: bool = True,
197    _raw: bool = False,
198    _engine=(pairs, pairs2),
199) -> Generator[tuple, None, None]:
200    """Yields pairs within the specified distance.
202    Args:
203        pos (np.ndarray): Positions of the atoms. (in fractional or absolute coordinate)
204        maxdist (formerly rc) (float, optional): Upper limit of the pair distance (in the same unit as the cell). Defaults to None.
205        cell (np.ndarray[3, 3], optional): Shape of the cell in a 3x3 numpy array. [[ax,ay,az],[bx,by,bz],[cx,cy,cz]]. Defaults to None.
206        fractional (bool, optional): If true, pos must be given in fractional coordinate. Defaults to True.
207        pos2 (np.ndarray, optional): Specify when you want to find the pairs between two sets of positions. Defaults to None.
208        distance (bool, optional): If true, distance between two positions are also returned. Defaults to True.
210    Yields:
211        Generator[tuple, None, None]: indices of a pair | indices and the distance between the pair (distance=True)
212    """
213    logger = getLogger()
214    if rc is not None:
215        logger.warning("rc is deprecated. Use maxdist instead.")
216        assert maxdist is None, "rc and maxdist are specified at a time."
217        maxdist = rc
218    if cell is None:
219        return pairs_nopbc_iter(pos, maxdist=maxdist, pos2=pos2, distance=distance)
220    grid = None
221    if fractional:
222        rpos = pos
223        rpos2 = pos2
224    else:
225        celli = np.linalg.inv(cell)
226        rpos = pos @ celli
227        if pos2 is None:
228            rpos2 = None
229        else:
230            rpos2 = pos2 @ celli
232    if rpos2 is None:
233        return pairs_fine(
234            rpos,
235            maxdist,
236            cell,
237            grid=grid,
238            distance=distance,
239            raw=_raw,
240            engine=_engine[0],
241        )
242    else:
243        return pairs_fine_hetero(
244            rpos,
245            rpos2,
246            maxdist,
247            cell,
248            grid=grid,
249            distance=distance,
250            raw=_raw,
251            engine=_engine[1],
252        )

Yields pairs within the specified distance.

  • pos (np.ndarray): Positions of the atoms. (in fractional or absolute coordinate)
  • maxdist (formerly rc) (float, optional): Upper limit of the pair distance (in the same unit as the cell). Defaults to None.
  • cell (np.ndarray[3, 3], optional): Shape of the cell in a 3x3 numpy array. [[ax,ay,az],[bx,by,bz],[cx,cy,cz]]. Defaults to None.
  • fractional (bool, optional): If true, pos must be given in fractional coordinate. Defaults to True.
  • pos2 (np.ndarray, optional): Specify when you want to find the pairs between two sets of positions. Defaults to None.
  • distance (bool, optional): If true, distance between two positions are also returned. Defaults to True.

Generator[tuple, None, None]: indices of a pair | indices and the distance between the pair (distance=True)